DjangoCon US is over but now we're sprinting!
Thanks to all of our attendees, volunteers, and sponsors for making this year's DjangoCon awesome.
Come on out to the sprints and hack away on Django or some related project.
Fill out our feedback survey to help us make next year even better
Major Schedule Change for Wednesday
8th September 2010 by
Who on Earth is coming to DjangoCon at 5:15 this afternoon?
Party Time for Djangonauts!
8th August 2010 by
All work and no play makes Jill a dull Djangonaut. Fortunately this year we are also paying attention to the social side of things.
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Program
27th July 2010 by
Been holding off registering until you saw the program? Your wait is almost over.
Program Selection and Keynotes
23rd June 2010 by
As registrations continue to swell we all await the announcement of this year's DjangoCon program. Here's what's happening.