Large Problems in Django, Mostly Solved
Part 1
I have written a series of blog posts about "Large problems" in the community, and how they have been solved by members of our community with reusable apps. Previously I have covered:
- Delayed Execution
- Search
- APIs
- Documentation
- Database Migrations
I will update my thoughts on these issues, as well as talking about a couple of other new issues that I think that have been solved in a decent way. These include:
- Remote Command Execution
- Debugging in Development
- Continuous Integration
Part 2
In this part I will highlight issues that are still headaches for the Community. These are places where there is a good chance for growth for third party apps, and places where I have personally found some friction in my development. A couple examples of this are:
- Deployment
- Class Based Views / Thread Safety
- Debugging Production Environments
Part 3
From the above applications that are well done, what makes a popular reusable app? This won't be my thoughts, but more looking at apps that have been successful and trying to see what they have in common. A good app and a good reusable app are necessarily different, and I think it will be interesting to look at what traits make reusable apps popular.